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Team Coaching

At Coaching by Invisio we believe that if everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself

About Team Coaching

Develop High Performance Teams in your organisation to deliver on and surmount any obstacles to achieving their team goals.

Think for a moment about the teams in your organisation:

– How many of these teams would you count as high performance teams?

– Is there untapped potential in these teams?

– Have you ever been part of a dysfunctional team, despite everyone being competent and capable?

– How well do the teams you work with consider the wider system beyond their own team. Are they are conscious of delivering value to all?

Team Coaching by Invisio

  • We build psychological safety within your high performance teams and foster interpersonal trust and respect among team members, allowing them take social risks
  • Invisio enables your teams to reflect upon themselves and their ways of working and fosters a greater sense of purpose and team
  • We develop an environment of real commitment, connection and collaboration. This enables the team to over-achieve in comparison to regular teams

A Game Changer

Team Coaching by Invisio unleashes untapped potential. It offers an engaging and compelling opportunity to discover the strengths of your teams and build capability within. It is not team building or team facilitation.

It is different and is a GAME CHANGER for team potential.

As team coaches we look beyond individual performance and focus on the team, as a separate entity to the individuals in the team. We help unearth TEAM DYNAMICS, those that hinder or help team performance. Invisio bring these to the attention of the team and give them the opportunity to acknowledge, explore and act. We facilitate the learning of the team as a whole. Our goal is build their capacity as a team to navigate COMPLEX SYSTEMS and situations as a team.

How does Team Coaching by Invisio work?

Our team coaching engagements always begin with contracting with the team and the team leader. Both need to define and own the engagement and the objectives they set for same. We then move into the orientation, diagnostic and launch phases to set the foundations for success and know where we are starting from. The Live Action Coaching is where the real work happens in the team. Our team coaches live coach the team in the “here and now” and in the normal course of their work as a team e.g. in meetings. Where appropriate we will propose tailor made supporting interventions. These include one to one coaching for team leader, facilitated team purpose workshop etc.

Live action team coaching is rarely comfortable. High Performance teams don’t learn and improve their team working by staying on their comfort zone, or by avoiding conflict. We proactively bring conflicts into the open and push teams out of their comfort zone.

Some teams are not ready for Team Coaching. Other interventions are more appropriate first. Contact us arrange a complimentary Team Readiness assessment and discover how Team Coaching can become a game changer for your leadership teams.

Case Study


  • Our Client: Our client is a Leadership Team within a large global medical devices’ organisation to develop their high performance teams. The leadership team of 7 are responsible for a team of 1000+ people spread across the globe.
  • The Objective: They came to us with an opportunity to work with them to build the leadership teams capability with a focus on becoming a high performing leadership team.
  • As the organisation and the market became more complex and demanding the team recognised that their current ways of working would not deliver on their strategy. They saw this team coaching intervention as an investment in the future.


  • Over a 9 month period Invisio worked with the team, through executive team coaching to address their needs. Our focus was on the team itself, how they related to and worked together. We focused on helping them becoming a High Performing leadership team through the normal flow of their work.
  • The engagement started with contracting with the leadership team around the body of work we would engage together on. From there we undertook several teams diagnostic and then moved into live team coaching.

Follow Up

  • The team agreed on a number of metrics, both lead and lag, to assess their performance as a high performing leadership team. They were happy with the outcomes at the end of the 9 month, however they recognised they were on the journey but not yet where they needed to be.
  • The team continue to engage with Invisio in team coaching, however the relationship has broadened out beyond this and beyond the leadership team. We continue to work with this leadership team and their wider teams 3 years later.


  • How did our intervention impact on the client’s business?
    • The development of a cohesive leadership team, with clear focus on strategy and its enablers, who have successfully weathered significant headwinds, internal and external
    • An enhancement of the internal brand reputation for this critical function on the business and it’s 1000+ team
    • Greater clarity of mission, strategy and priorities across the 1000+ people across the global organisation
    • Enhanced focus on enabling their business partners to succeed – authenticated through regular structured feedback form business stakeholders
    • Impact on ways of working across the wider team – more agile, next level down taking more accountability for driving the business. The developed more involved, enhanced skillsets in the wider team to facilitate people to work together for the one goal


    • Enhanced retention of key talent and more robust succession planning
    • Acceleration of delivery on key projects – evidenced by delivery on goals and specific KPI’s
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